воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


So Iapos;m up late once again when I have to be up at half five.
Sat channel hoping and all of a sudden I find a live Cold play concert on one of the channels.
And itapos;s funny how things come rushing back to you.
I remember doing the exact same thing in bed on a Sunday night when I had college the next day three years ago.
Back in my old room with my posters covering every inch of wall space, the clothes I never picked up. Chrisapos;s covers that were left perminantly on the floor because heapos;d stay practically every night, and my cupboard that was huge but I still didnapos;t have enough hanging space for all my clothes.
And I remember all the things and good times that went on in that room.
But then again, I remember nearly everything that happened in that house.
Certainly sitting out in the garden with mum on the deck chairs during boiling hot summer afternoons.
Seems like a lifetime ago.

And of recent, Iapos;ve been finding myself wanting to break every mirror in the flat so I canapos;t look in one.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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This 15 year old girl on youtube just chided me for being judgemental. Cos i commented that on the "jon and kate plus 8" show, the wife kate was always bossing jon around. Itapos;s an honest and true observation. I understand that with 8 kids she is very stressed out but i dunno, from the show it seems like she can work on her bossiness (: we all can canapos;t we?�And of course jon being the laid back lad he is, can be a little more proactive. But either way, i can comprehend her. Cos i think i can be like her, which is why i donapos;t wanna be like her in the future.

I wanted to reply that 15 yr old girl and say "how do you know i donapos;t have kids?" what an annoyance. Grow up and stop being judgmental to ME. Haha.

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I got this WEBCOMIC thing going, and said I would update every week, and then i flaked out for like 3 weeks because I was totally depressed. What do you expect from someone with all suicidal characters? So, I realize thatapos;s really bad for my fan(s) who rely on my update every week (i.e. Scruff). Iapos;m going to seriously start seriously updating every week seriously. Drawing the "short not funny comic" is easy, itapos;s the regular comic thatapos;s a pain in the ass, because I have to scan it in and make it look not like shit, and until I can work photoshop like all the other furries in the universe, I have to use like, MSPAINT. Oh lord, what year is it, 1996?

Also, I know I havenapos;t been the most active livejournal user for the past 3105383 minutes or so, (forgive me livejournal, for I have sinned. Itapos;s been 18 months since my last update) but I think Iapos;m iguana re-stimulate this journal as my "WEBCOMIC JOURNAL". Because you know, people care so much about my web comic, they really give a shit whatapos;s going on in my brain.

Iapos;m angry and sarcastic, sorry.

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bristol phd

�Dear Mom,
I decided to write you a letter, seeing as our discussions over my education lead to nothing but argument and hard feelings. You are a good mother, but there are some things as a parent you should understand yet you donapos;t. One of them is that my path to success, may be different then the one you have set out for me. You donapos;t always know what is best for me, you think you do and nothing-not even myself can tell you that you are wrong. Why canapos;t you be more understanding?�

When I graduated High School I was beyond relieved. I�hated school.�It was so incredibly hard for me to be motivated, to do the work, to pay attention in class.�Some people arenapos;t "school people", and like it or not-thatapos;s me. It had nothing to do with my friend/guy choices or my lack of involvement. The whole time I�was in school all I could think about was how I really didnapos;t want to be there and that constant thought made learning almost impossible. I�knew I�needed to change, just like youapos;d nag me to do. Part of me wanted to and the other part didnapos;t since I�knew the end result would be the same-Junior college.�I ended decent grades but then again I was in High school-an environment where teachers cared and pushed there students. Where I could check edline, and be constantly reminded of my assignments along with their due date. I knew that college would be a lot different, and that the only way to do well would be to completely change my attitude-something that I struggled with the whole time in high school. You think changing oneapos;s attitude it just so easy, that you "just do it" and "try to focus". Maybe itapos;s like that for you, but not for me.

When the start of college was just around the corner, I told both you and dad I was not ready. He was more understanding, you were quite the opposite. Not starting college meant me being forced to live on my own, having to support myself...and we all know that this would be the start of a very hard life for me. Even though I was not ready for school, I was even more unprepared to live like that. Therefor, you made forcing myself into college my only option. Why could you not support me for a semester, until I�was ready for school? I could have gotten a part time job, volunteered, or found things that interested me (i.e. Taking just a class in psychology). I�knew that if I took a semester off, Iapos;d benefit by having more time to focus on preparing myself and changing my attitude so that I could put fourth my best effort. Iapos;d see other kids bettering their education, going to school, and Iapos;d eventually want to be a part of that. I wanted a semester to get my head on straight, be a little more mature, have more time to think about where I�really wanted to go in life and develop goals. You just didnapos;t understand. You thought I�just wanted to be lazy�so you closed your mind off to anything I�said-this both hurt and frustrated me.�

Iapos;m sure you may be scoffing when I mention part time job and volunteer work. However, if you provided that as an alternative to being forced into a full time job and being independent or going to school full time when I was not ready...you would see so much more effort and preserverence on my part than you do now or that you have in the past. Remember, I�was only talking a semester, not even a full school year. This way I could have a job, earn extra spending money, gain maturity, and then next semester �have the same job and be more equipped to take on 12 units. You always said "if you donapos;t start school in August, then move out, get a full time job and support yourself." This pissed me off more than anything because donapos;t you see...if I chose that route, I�would never be able to go back to school full time, no matter how much I�wanted to. I would be doing a low income job for a very long time, struggling. You donapos;t get that I want to go to school, I�want to transfer to a good 4 year college, then work on getting a high degree so that I�can have a successful job.

I�knew I wasnapos;t ready for school because my mind set was still "I hate school, I�hate it, hate it, hate it and donapos;t want to be here." I wasnapos;t ready to try my best. I lacked the motivation, I didnapos;t have my head on straight.�Your words, your threats-nothing would give me the effort and motivation I�needed to do well in school. I wish it worked that way, it would be easier on my part-but unfortunately, it doesnapos;t.

However, I�want a good career. I�want a happy, successful life and I fully understand that those are achieved by a high education.�

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

causes of smog

The 15th was a very good day.

FC Rogueapos;s Revenge #3
FC Legion #2
Secret Six #2
Deadpool #3
JSA #19
Booster Gold #13 (?)

And the Gotham Underground covers were indeed made into a poster - I bought the last of their second order. Plus hanging out with Quechop and catching up on Eureka. Damn Good Day (tm).

I am bursting with OO-BAR love for the Rogueapos;s mini. Probably one of my favourite stories of all time. Soooooo good.

Last night was awesome too. The carnival is in town, down the street from the theatre so we were SO dead. We did our work but slacked off so bad too. Great night. Hope the rest of the weekend is as dead.
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Iapos;m not sure why exactly, but I love my new job.

My actual tasks arenapos;t that different from my last job.

My actual colleagues arenapos;t that different either. Sure, thereapos;s less dead wood. And sure, there are more younger librarians here. But there were plenty of smart, energetic librarians and staff where I�used to work, too.

Just something about the energy, all the way from the Dean to the ILL�staff.

And it doesnapos;t hurt that I have an assistant who kicks butt.

Now, thatapos;s not to say that I may not have the occasional complaint. But I donapos;t have any yet.
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